
Motivation Strategy and Organization - A Holistic Concept for the Adventurous
2 hours - 3 days

For those concerned with developing more effective organizations, there is a need to view motivation from an organizational, as well as individual, point of view. We have developed a unique and new model for understanding motivation. The model ties together the major motivation theories and concepts and links these to strategy, organization processes, and reward systems. Using our model, we show how to map out a comprehensive and ongoing motivation strategy applicable to any type of organization.

Intrinsic Motivation - The Hidden Force That Organizations are Rediscovering
1 hour - 1 day

Can you go beyond carrot and stick approaches to motivation? Yes! This presentation looks at the meaning of extrinsic-reward and punishment-and intrinsic motivation-a deeper level of motivation that organizations need to understand and to reach. Ideas are discussed for incorporating intrinsic motivation into programs and organizational culture. Radical concepts challenging traditional reward/punishment thinking are critically examined.

How to Kindle (Not Kill) Motivation: The Quintessential Keys to Firing-Up Your Organization
45 minutes - 1/2 day

Why do some organizations sizzle with enthusiasm and energy while others lack essential vitality? No one factor explains the gap between high-motivation/performance enterprises and those that just putt-putt along in the wake of winners. We provide an understanding of what top leadership must do to develop a highly motivated, achievement-oriented organization at all levels. The presentation encompasses vision, goals, organizational effectiveness, and the crafting of a strategy-based total reward system. It outlines an approach to assessing your organization's energy level and translating the results into pragmatic action.