201 Best Questions To Ask On Your Interview, by John Kador. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
This is a really practical, well-organized and comprehensive book. It gives the reader new interview questions and techniques for landing the sought-for job. The books shows how to interview the interviewer. A top-notch resource! 195 pp. 2002.
CareerJournal.com Resume Guide for $100,000+ Executive Jobs, by William E. Montag. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Excellent guidelines for preparing a resume and cover letter with real life examples. The book provides extensive guidelines and a great sample of resumes and cover letter for executives, managers, and professionals. Part two of the book is devoted to advise and technical guidelines for launching a search. Detailed instructions are given for registering with CareerJournal.com and a review of market-tested career and job search websites. Also includes observations about the job interview. A terrific resource. 354 pp. 2002.
The Damn Good Resume Guide: A Crash Course in Resume Writing, by Yana Parker. Ten Speed Press.
Provides a ten step guide to writing a resume plus numerous example. Also provides: ways to prepare a resume for emailing; a check list of do's and don'ts for formatting a hard-copy; and examples of how to overcome sticky problems. Extremely practical and to-the-point. 74 pp. 2002.
Games Companies Play: The Job Hunter's Guide to Playing Smart & Winning Big in the High-Stakes Hiring Game, by Pierre Mornell. by Pierre Mornell.
What clearly distinguishes this book is the stories and examines used to make its key points, plus illustrations, humor, and unique layout and organization. Each section begins with a piece of conventional wisdom and then demonstrates less conventional ways to take. Presents thirty key ideas and numerous tips and guidelines for getting the job you seek. There is a good summary section and a list of 40 curveball interview questions to prepare to answer, plus resources on the Internet and in print. Excellent. 208 pp. 2002.
Nail the Job: Every Tool You'll Need to Land Your Dream Job and Master Your Career, Perseus Books.
This book is packed with great information. It covers the usual topics of resumes and cover letters, networking and thank-you notes. But the guidelines on how to successfully handle yourself at a dinner meeting, body language, and other topics, and specialty interviews geared to certain markets, makes this a unique and outstanding book. Very highly recommended. 168 pp. 2002.
What Color Is Your Parachute 2003: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career, by Bolles, Richard N. Ten Speed Press.
This annual has become a job-hunting classic since it was first published in 1970. Topics include: the distinction between traditional and life-changing job hunting; how to use the Internet; strategies and techniques for job-hunting; interviewing tips; negotiating your pay package; guidelines for starting your own business; choosing a career coach; and many chapters discussing topics concerning the discovery and pursuit of your passion and career. This is a terrific book for everyone interested in advancing their career. 411 pp. 2002.
Winning Cover Letters, 2nd Edition, by Robin Ryan. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This self-help guide provides guidelines for writing a powerful cover letter and 23 common mistakes. It also covers: special letters for niche markets; writing self-marketing letters; tips on Internet, faxing, scanning, and email, thank-you letters, acceptance letters, and a tracking system. Filled with examples. A terrific resource. 237 pp. 2002.
Winning Resumes, 2nd Edition, by Robin Ryan. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
An excellent guide to developing a successful resume, providing a seven-step approach. The book also highlights mistakes to avoid and is filled with guidelines, examples, and tips for overcoming special challenges. There are sections for top executives in the $100K-plus range and new college graduates, tips on using electronic media. 285 pp. 2002.