The Creative Manager: Finding Inner Vision and Wisdom in Uncertain Times (Jossey Bass Business and Management Series). Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
A collection of 34 outstanding articles and excepts from the writings of leading thinkers and practitioners on the topic of management. The book is divided into six sections: 1) what makes a great manager? 2) creating and shaping the work environment; 3) communicating, leading and motivating people; 4) getting the work done; 5) leading complex organizational processes; and 6) sustaining the great manager. 2005.
Employment Discrimination Law: 2000 Cumulative Supplement, Philip J. Pfeiffer, Editor--in--Chief.
Covers recent activity in legislation, regulations, enforcement, and case law. Addresses, in detail, current issues such as ADA, sexual harassment, disparate treatment, seniority, adverse impact equal pay and much more. Discusses major issues of law, cases and developments and gives explanations and commentary on: affirmative action, other legal protection, enforcement, litigation, remedies, and settlement. The Cumulative Supplement update two main volumes. Approx. 2,500 pp. Periodic supplements. An exceedingly informative, comprehensive reference providing outstanding, well written content. Very highly recommended. To order call 800. 260. 1220 (Suggest you order the two main volumes and the supplement.)
Legal, Effective References: How to Give and Get Them, by Wendy Bliss. Society for Human Resource Management Book Store.
A very complete, to-the-point guide for reference checking, emphasizing law but also providing many guidelines for giving and getting information. The book includes 23 tips for giving references, and loads of other valuable guidelines. Includes sample forms and policies, and key points are highlighted in tables and inserts. Very highly recommended. 132 pp. 2001.
A Manager's Guide to Employment Law: How to Protect Your Company and Yourself, by Dana M. Muir, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This book is organized around topics of interest and challenges to managers. The topics are: selection; performance evaluation; providing references; avoiding discrimination and harassment; disabilities; absenteeism; and termination for cause or due to downsizing or reorganization. Each chapter is succinctly summarized. A good issue-focused, non-technical how-to guide for managers. 208 pp. 2003.
Managing to Stay Out of Court: How to Avoid the Eight Deadly Sins of Mismanagement, by Jathan Janove. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Written by a practicing lawyer, the book is an applied, easy-to-read guide on how to avoid employment lawsuits through following eight principles of effective people management. Shows how to simultaneously comply with the law, stay out of court, improve employee relations, and provide workplace leadership. Effective use of illustrative stories. Excellent guidance for all organizations. 224 pp. 2005.
Trust on Trial: How the Microsoft Case is Reframing The Rules of Competition, by Richard B. McKenzie. Perseus Books.
Most of this engrossing book examines the Microsoft case. In later chapters, McKenzie gets into the broader issues of law, politics, competition and innovation. Two important conclusions by the author are (1) Microsoft's actions have not impaired innovation and (2) the history of antitrust trials has been a history of misuse and abuse of antitrust law, mainly because of the role politics has played in determining what firms are prosecuted. The book is a defense of the right of people and firms to retain the freedom to innovate, unless strong evidence shows the converse. There is no "smoking gun," but the circumstantial evidence points to critics of Microsoft working behind the scenes. Interesting. Recommended. 272 pp. 2000.