Achieving Success Through Social Capital: Tapping the Hidden Resources in Your personal and Business Networks, by Wayne Baker.Jossey-Bass.
A guide to evaluating, building and using personal and business networks. The book provides detailed and valuable guidelines. Informative. Recommended. 237 pp. 2000.
Career Coaching: An Insider's Guide, by Marcia Bench. Davies-Black Publishing.
The book provides an introduction to the field, the ethics of coaching, the eight factors of a model of career design, coaching tips and resources, and explores a new model of coaching that enables clients to overcome obstacles to finding their ideal work. Seventy coaching of the coaching competencies associated with certification are presented. A chapter is devoted to advanced coaching skills. Also discusses the best current thinking on all aspects of job search mechanics. Concludes with self-care and the traits of masterful coaches. Includes worksheets and assessments. Terrific guide for building a career coaching business. 408 pp. 2005.
The Career Navigation Handbook: America's Top Executive Recruiters on Choosing and Changing Your Career Path, by Christopher W. Hunt and Scott A. Scanlon. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A collection of contributions by 23 expert executive recruiter. The essays are brief and to-the-point. Part I covers a broad range of key topics including how to best position yourself and what you can expect from a top-notch recruiter. Part II looks at specifics regarding 10 best industries (hospitality, managed care, technology, entertainment). Part III presents nine essays on a range of cutting-edge topics such as networking to top executives, character, the female executive, and how to changing industry or function. Loaded with practical insights. 210 pp. 2004.
Careerpreneurs: Lessons from Leading Women Entrepreneurs on Building a Career Without Boundaries, by Dorothy Perrin Moore. Davies-Black Publishing (Div. of Consulting Psychologists Press).
Based on interviews with over 100 women, the book explores the explores the challenges, triumphs, rewards and pitfalls these entrepreneurs have encountered. The keys of a self-managed career are covered including: portable skills and knowledge; meaningful work; on-the-job learning; multiple networks, personal responsibility, and negotiation skills. Also discusses organizational transitions and leadership, management and entrepreneurship. 198 pp. 2000.
CareerXroads, by Gerry Crispin and Mark Mehler. MMC Group.
This newest edition lists over 2,000 selected website addresses for job opportunities or resumes including over 1,600 niche sites that emphasize a single academic discipline, industry focus or professional specialization. Presents 500 reviews. Fifty sites are selected as best. About one-quarter of the book presents articles with tips and advice for job seekers and recruiters. Sites are free and for-fee. Reviewed entries are described in some detail, including features, services, and emphasis. Contact information by mail, phone, facsimile, and email is provided. Nine cross-referenced indexes make finding sites easy. The book's database can be accessed on its website. Free email updates. Excellent for job seekers and recruiters. Highly recommended. 373 pp. 2002.
Career Warfare: 10 Rules for Building a Successful Personal Brand and Fighting to Keep It, by David F. D'Alessandro. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
The author, CEO of John Hancock, presents insights and guidelines for advancing your career and being successful on the job. The ten rules he presents include: it's always show time; make the right enemies; like it or not, your boss is the co-author of your brand. A down-to-earth book on career advancement and survival in the corporate world. 216 pp. 2004.
Connecting With Success: How to Build a Mentoring Network to Fast-forward Your Career, by Kathleen Barton, Davies-Black Publishing.
Shows how to build a network of people who can mentor you. Shows how to find a mentor, who makes a good mentor, sustaining the mentoring relationship, building a network, and more. This is a self-help book filled with learning tools, advise, worksheets, and self-assessment instruments. 159 pp. 2001.
Don't Kill the Bosses!: Escaping the Hierarchy Trap, by Samuel A. Culbert and John B. Ullmen. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
The authors propose a scheme for humanizing boss - subordinate relationships. They distinguish between hierarchical structure (an organizational positive) with hierarchical relationships (a negative that creates a boss-domination / employee submissiveness). They solution is two-sided accountability partnering, involving collaborative action and people operating as teammates. This idea involves a mind-set toward responsibility, authority, and accountability rooted in human nature. Three principles are highlighted: subjectivity is inevitable; practice win-win politics; and put two-sided accountability into action. An insightful and interesting book. 179 pp. 2001.
Love It, Don't Leave It: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work, by Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
The book provides approaches and techniques for taking control of one's work life, setting career goals, developing new skills, finding a mentor, and taking advantage of career opportunities. The book is filled with tips and tools based on the authors' research. It is a career-boosting and work place survival guide for the perplexed and frustrated in every organization. You'll enjoy and benefit from this book. 225 pp. 2003.
Standing at the Crossroads: Next Steps for High Achieving Women, by Marian N. Ruderman and Patricia Ohlott. Jossey-Bass.
Key themes explored in the this research-based work are: the desire to achieve alignment between values and behaviors; developing connections; taking initiative and doing whatever it takes to achieve career goals; uniting and integrating different life roles; and understanding one's own motives, behaviors, and values. In addition to offering career guidelines, the book looks at how organizations can apply an understanding of the key themes to enhance the leadership role of women. 240 pp. 2002.
What's Your Type of Career?: Unlock the Secrets of Your Personality to Find Your Perfect Career Path, by Donna Dunning, Davies-Black Publishing.
Based on use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to assess personality type, this is a self-help book that enables the reader to learn their personality preferences using a checklist provided by the author. With these preferences defined, the reader can go to the chapter that defines the identified characteristic way of working. That chapter helps to confirm the reader's preferences and gain insight into what makes a career satisfying or dissatisfying to them. The book is written in a straightforward style and is useful for those choosing and planning their career direction. 362 pp. 2001.
Working Identity: Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career, by Herminia Ibarra. Harvard Business School Press.
The difference between job change and career re-invention lies in a depth of personal transformation. This book focuses on how to change and what conditions enable or inhibit action. It and divides career decisions into three levels: 1) job, industry, and sector; 2) competencies, motives and values; and 3) basic but implicit assumptions about what is desirable and possible. Deepest transformation happens less by grand design than small steps that results from ongoing practices that enhance our capacity to change. Making major change involves core changes by continuously working identity that reaffirm basic truths about our Self and anchors these with new premises that guide us to the next phase of professional life. Personal stories gathered by the author brings the book to life. The book concerns achieving identity by process that allows us to get in touch with who we are at the deepest levels. A deep and meaningful approach. 199 pp. 2004.