10 Natural Forces for Business Success: Harnessing the Impact, by Peter R. Garber. Davies-Black Publishing.
Examines ten natural forces essential for organizational growth, development and profitability. These are: survival, change, communication, mission, equity, performance, discovery, diversity, growth, and renewal. A chapter is devoted to each of these forces, providing insights, guidelines and tools. Offers a succinct, overall view of elements critical to organizational effectiveness and survival. A good book for quickly grasping the big picture. 160 pp. 2002.
Appreciative Inquiry Summit: A Practitioner's Guide to Leading Large-Group Change Summit, by James D. Ludema, Bernard J. Mohr, Diana Whitney and Thomas J. Griffin Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a change strategy that encourages people to discover and build upon what works well. This book is a guide to the most popular way AI is used. Provides numerous examples. The book is has great depth of detail and is extremely useful for the practitioner. Highly recommended. 310 pp. 2003.
Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination, by Jane Watkins and Bernard J. Mohr. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an approach to changing organization from a holistic framework based on the view of them as human systems made and imagined by those who work in them. Since organization is a product of imagination, it can be changed at the speed of imagination as well. AI is a perspective, set of principles and beliefs about human systems. The book is written to provide information about AI as an emerging innovative method for guiding organization transformation. AI uses stories to gather insights about what makes the organization strong. The book provides methods, applications and detailed discussion of the five core processes of AI: 1) focus on the positive; 2) examine and 3) identify themes of stories of life-giving forces of an organization; 4) create shared images for a preferred future; and 5) innovate ways to create that future. Cases illustrating each of the processes are presented as well as examples of organizations using AI for every kind of OD intervention. A solid introduction to a unique process of change. Highly recommended. 241 pp. 2001.
The Art of Winning Commitment: 10 Ways Leaders Can Engage Minds, Hearts, and Spirits , by Dick Richards. AMACOM.
Based on interviews with leaders, the book offers practical wisdom and highlights 10 essential competencies of effective leaders: 1) seeing what is in a new way; 2) vision; 3) storytelling (conveying a compelling message); 4) fostering hope (creating a sense of the possible through optimism); 5) rendering significance (connecting vision with each person's life goals); 6) mobilizing (encouraging right actions, setting high expectations, letting go, encouraging the best in others); 7) self awareness; 8) emotional engagement (empathic connection); 9) enacting beliefs; and 10) centering (developing centering consciousness and improvising). Filled with insight about the meaning of leadership. 209 pp. 2004.
Best Practices in Organization Development and Change: Culture, Leadership, Retention, Performance, Coaching, by Louis Carter, David Giber, and Marshall Goldsmith, eds., Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
Through a case study approach, this book provides practical tools, instruments, training concepts, and competency models that can serve as benchmarks. A CD-ROM (PC or Mac) offers a selection of these features. Within each case study the main how-to elements are: analyze the need for the initiative; build a business case for it; identify the audience; design the initiative; implement the design; and evaluate the results. The five key sections are: organization development and change; leadership development; recruitment and retention; performance management; and coaching and mentoring. Its scope, depth, detail, and organization are impressive; very useful reference, loaded with first-rate exhibits and tables. Outstanding. 550 pp. 2001.
Beyond Change Management: Advanced Strategies for Today's Transformational Leaders, by Linda Ackerman and Dean Anderson. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
This practical manual demonstrates the requirement that leaders become more aware of unseen dynamics. It introduces the new change leadership competency of process thinking and spotlights leader and employee mindset change as key drivers. It sets the conceptual stage for the pragmatic guidance offered in a companion book, "The Change Leader's Roadmap." Highly recommended. 236 pp. 2001.
Building the Learning Organization, by Michael J. Marquardt. Davies-Black Publishing.
Presents Marquardt's Systems Learning Organization model consisting of five subsystemsÑlearning, organization, people, knowledge, and technology, each of which has been modified over recent years based upon experience and application. The learning organization and the model are discussed in extensive detail. Each of the five subsystems of the model is explored in depth; the author shows how all five interface with and complement one another. Includes a list of top implementation strategies for building the subsystem under discussion as well as 16 steps for becoming a learning organization. Dozens of new case studies are included, as are detailed strategies, action steps, and assessment tools. Glossary and references. This edition is co-published with ASTD. One of the best books on the learning organization. 266 pp. 2002.
The Business of Innovation: Managing the Corporate Imagination for Maximum Results, by Roger Bean and Russell Radford. AMACOM.
Takes a managed innovation view„innovation directed by corporate strategy and intent. The authors introduce a model for managing innovation and examine each of its key elements: nurturing, developing, implementing (commercialization), and exploiting. These elements are described in terms of four systems: the operating team, provision of shared resources, strategic and managerial dynamics, and creating the environment for innovation (values, policies, organizational character, long-term goals, and strategies). Also discusses: organizational policies, leveraging logic, serendipity, and measuring and evaluating innovations and the innovation process. Final chapters examine the physical innovation process and explore developing trends. Thoughtful and well organized. Highly recommended. 302 pp. 2001.
Capitalizing on Conflict: Strategies and Practices for Turning Conflict to Synergy in OrganizationsÑa Manager's Handbook, by Kirk Blackard and James W. Gibson. Davies-Black Publishing.
The key theme is to capitalize on the positive, synergistic aspects of conflict. The authors take the view that divergent interests and some counterproductive behavior is inevitable, and suggest that management and its systems are key factors causing or minimizing conflict. Each situation is different and calls for working with employees to resolve issues. This book provides a systematic conflict management model with four components: minimize conflict, surface conflict that occurs, resolve it, and learn from the experience to further minimize conflict. Offers strategies and techniques for: creating trust; identifying policies which ignite conflict; encourage effective supervision; expose suppressed conflict; engage with the parties; reach optimal resolution; and foster organizational learning. A very thoughtful, in-depth work offering many important insights. Highly recommended. 296 pp. 2002.
Change Is Everybody's Business: Claim Your Change Power, by Pat McLagan. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Provides a powerful foundation that anyone can use to make the process of change positive and rewarding. The author takes a conversation approach and uses stories, examples, and illustrations to drive home the message that everybody in an organization has the power to make changes for the better. The book includes questionnaires that enable the reader to evaluate how ready they are to make the most of change. The book explores four vital and exhilarating messages and actions to take: view yourself as a business (YOU, Inc.); develop information age skills; be your own human resource manager; and take charge of change. 137 pp. 2002.
The Change Leader's Roadmap: How to Navigate Your Organization's Transformation, by Linda Ackerman Anderson and Dean Anderson. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
This practical manual provides a way to build an integrated change strategy for transformation as well as detailed change plans. It features a nine-phase change process model that integrates organizational, cultural, behavioral, and mindset changes. The book provides detailed phase-by-phase guidance at both the conceptual and operational levels. It is informative about the speed and sequence of change activities, and provides guidance on how to design the infrastructure and conditions necessary for the change effort to be successful. Each chapter focuses on a phase, beginning with an overview and list of task deliverables; each ends with questions to help the reader apply the work of the phase. Highly recommended. 304 pp. 2001.
Changing the Way We Manage Change, by Ronald R. Sims. Quorum Books / Praeger Publishers.
A collection of essays of changing the way change agents go about their challenges. The topics covered are: self-directed learning; employee involvement; roles and competencies for successful change agency; the changing roles and responsibilities of change agents; multicultural organizational development; change management methods in B2B commerce and consulting firms; an examination of the current status and changing role of IT; and the balanced scorecard applied to B2B commerce. The final four chapters concern new approaches and models for change including changing from the inside out, making change a constant process or function (like quality), a consultant's role, and a discussion of organizational life as a story and OD as the means of changing that story (restorying). In depth, informative and well written. 299 pp. 2002.
Conquering Organizational Change: How to Succeed Where Most Companies Fail, by Pierre Mourier and Martin Smith. CEP Press (Center for Effective Performance).
The authors argue that change efforts fail for reasons outside of the scope of the change operation. The answer lies in a change model that drills down to tactics. This model is at the heart of the book. The ten key tactics are: define change as a compelling element of organizational strategy; put an infrastructure in place; work from an implementation plan; recognize the investment and commit to the long haul; think small„break the effort into small steps that ensure quick wins and build momentum; build alliances in support of change; align recognition to support implementation; translate change into job-level details; integrate the change into management systems; and follow-up relentlessly. These tactics are explored along with case studies, ways to revive a stalled change effort, a survey on implementing change, research data, success rates for types of change, and a cross-reference of tactics to positive and negative factors. Insightful details with how-to materials. Strongly recommended. 231 pp. 2001.
The Corporate Shaman: A Business Fable, by Richard C. Whiteley. HarperCollins Publishers (HarperBusiness).
Using the role of a shaman and a fable involving shamanic traditions, shows how an organization is able to transform a high-stress environment into a productive enterprise. An addendum highlights the shamanic role and journey. Original in concept, this quick-read provides some provocative insights. 140 pp. 2002.
The Courage to Act: 5 Factors of Courage to Transform Business, by Merom Klein and Rod Napier, Davies-Black Publishing.
The thrust of this book is to help facilitate organizational change through finding more courage both within and inspire it in others. The author's aim is to help the reader find more of the candor to deal with the truth, a greater sense of purpose, a more optimistic will, a more disciplined rigor, and a greater inclination to trust and risk. These are five dimensions of courage that bring people to cross an action threshold and persevere. Each of these factors is explored in separate chapters; specific how-to guidelines are presented and summarized. The book vividly deals with the emotions underlying the will to act; it is insightful and invigorating. 239 pp. 2003.
Creativity, Inc.: Building an Inventive Organization, by Jeff Mauzy and Richard Harrison, Harvard Business School Press.
The need, the authors' see, is for an enterprise to be creative at all times, in all areas, in all activities: that call this systematic creativity. The book examines the dynamics of the creative process, how it can be nurtured at the individual and organizational levels, and how a corporation, with effective leadership, can foster a climate that promotes systematic creativity. It also presents a framework and examples of purposeful, focused innovation, and stresses the need for continual reinforcement and reinvention. This is an invigorating, well-written book, charged with applied ideas and guidance. 232 pp. 2003.
Critical Issues in HRD: A New Agenda for the Twenty-First Century., by Ann Maycunich Gilley, Jamie L. Callahan and Laura L. Bierema, Eds. Perseus Books.
This is a first-rate collection of essays by noted authorities on a wide range of key HRD subjects including: leadership; strategic HRD and its transformation; managing the human aspect of organizational change; globalization and HRD; a view of human capital metrics; performance management; performance coaching; performance-focused HRD; organizational learning; training and transfer; a framework for reframing HRD evaluation, practice, and research; and socially conscious HRD. Includes tables, figures, many references, and a subject index. These are thoughtful and leading edge essays, bringing together a wealth of knowledge. 247 pp. 2002.
Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge, by Etienne C. Wenger.Richard McDermott and William C. Snyder. Harvard Business School Press.
Explores how companies can use communities of practice (CsOP) as a key driver of organizational success. Based on original research, the authors show how critical these groups for keeping abreast of developments. They also discuss steps to take to initiate, design, develop and exploit of these groups to effectively build intellectual capital and manage knowledge. They explore the nature and domains of knowledge of these communities and provide definitions, models, methods and stories. They discuss how CsOP create the common talent pool globalization demands and a point of stability in a world of temporary, distant relationships. A key chapter discusses how to measure and manage the knowledge system through which knowledge resources flow and create value. This book is rich with information, ideas and insights. Very strongly recommended. 288 pp. 2002.
Designing and Using Organizational Surveys: A Seven-Step Process, by Allan H. Church and Janine Waclawski. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
The focus is on data collection designed to quantitatively measure any of the following: employee perceptions and attitudes, assess behaviors and attributes, identify base-line measures for benchmarking, and to drive change. The authors provide a seven-step approach, devoting a chapter to each. The steps are: building alliances and support; designing and developing the instrument; communicating objectives; survey administration; interpreting results; delivering the findings; and using the results to drive action. This is a highly in-depth but very accessible work. Strongly recommended. 293 pp. 2001.
Developing Employees Who Love to Learn: Tools, Strategies and Programs for Promoting Learning at Work, by Linda Honold. Davies-Black Publishing.
Provides a road map for avoiding quantitative training, feel-good efforts and quick-fix courses and seeking, instead, qualitative initiatives. The book outlines a comprehensive approach to training and development that challenges traditional practices, focusing on results-oriented training on human performance. It centers on learning as a continuous process and serves-up considerable detail about specific practices. The book begins with a discussion of adult learning and the rationale for creating learning opportunities within organizations. It examines the development of a learning system and the support systems necessary to sustain it. The latter part offers more specific applications. It includes mentoring, coaching, and peer learning approaches and techniques for individual learning in groups and integrating learning with work. A very substantive work. Highly recommended. 200 pp. 2001.
The Forward-Focused Organization: Visionary Thinking and Breakthrough Leadership to Create your Company's Future, by Stephen C. Harper. AMACOM.
This is a book about leadership as much as organizational change. It focuses on futuring and vision. Written in a fluid style with lots of quotable lines, e.g., "change isn't about putting out fires, its about blazing new trails. The book centers around a flow model that moves from prerequisite conditions (innovative systems) to drivers of change (ideas) to emergent factors (innovative products/services) to competitive advantages (delighted customers/addicts). The theme of "corpreneurial" strategies which focus on emerging market opportunities and develop innovative products and services in contrast to minor changes is a key theme. Another key idea is that leaders need to pay as much attention to the people within the company as they do to customers; all products, processes, patents, and profits come from people. Another key aspect of the book is a contextual change model. The book is absorbing and intelligent reading. Highly recommended. 258 pp. 2001.
The GE Work-Out: How to Implement GEs Revolutionary Method for Busting Bureaucracy and Attacking Organizational ProblemsÑFast!, by Dave Ulrich.Steve Kerr and Ron Ashkenas. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
This book details GE's problem-solving method for attacking organizational issues. The authors organized the book in three parts: 1) a background on the how the approach developed, how it works, and how to assess an organization's ability to apply it; 2) a hands-on guidebook to all the details of installing Work-Out; and 3) the leadership characteristics and behavior needed to support and sustain the approach and how to accelerate the development of such leadership. The book discusses several ideas and examples for variations of Work-Out in different situations. This is a highly valuable approach; the authors do an outstanding job of presenting it. Highly recommended. 326 pp. 2002.
Harvard Business Review on Innovation. Harvard Business School Press.
Eight outstanding articles selected from past editions of the HBR. Includes articles on creating new market space, knowing a winning business idea when you see one, meeting the challenge of disruptive change, and enlightened experimentation. Each article begins with an executive summary. Recommended. 222 pp. 2001.
Harvard Business Review on Organizational Learning. Harvard Business School Press.
Thought-provoking articles selected from past editions of the HBR. Includes articles on knowledge management, communications, and how to analyze how a company works using organigraphs instead of organization charts. Each article begins with an executive summary. Recommended. 228 pp. 2001.
The Heart of Change, by John P. Kotter and Dan S. Cohen. Harvard Business School Press.
Based on research, concludes that: highly successful organizations choose bigger leapsÑcontinuous gradual improvement is not enough; successful large-scale change involves eight phases; the central challenge of these is changing people's behaviors; the key to behavioral change is influencing people's feelingsÑthe heart of change is in the emotions (the flow of see-feel-change is more powerful than analysis-think-change). Learning how to handle large-scale change is possible and critical. The eight phase change process model is the core of the book; the phases are: establish a sense of urgency; create a guiding coalition; develop vision and strategy; communicate the change vision; empower broad-based action; generate short-term wins; consolidate gains and produce more change; and anchor new approaches in the culture. Much of the book consists of brief statements by business leaders. 200 pp. 2002.
How to Make Collaboration Work: Powerful Ways to Build Consensus, Solve Problems, and Make Decisions, by David Straus. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
The book is developed around a constellation of ideas or principles of collaboration and shows how to put them into practice. The principles are: involve the right stakeholders; build consensus phase by phase; design a process map; designate a process facilitator; and harness the power of group memory. Chapter also concern facilitative leadership, collaborative organizations, and collaborative communities. Presents brief descriptions of five models used in building collaboration. Informative and insightful. Recommended. 233 pp. 2002.
Knowledge Engine: How to Create Fast Cycles of Knowledge-to-Performance and Performance-to-Knowledge, by Lloyd Baird and John C. Henderson. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
This book is about creating and leveraging knowledge assets. It uses the metaphor of a two-cycle engine consisting of a strategic cycle (in which performance is the source of knowledge) and a production cycle (in which knowledge is driven into performance). Production capability involves: targeting drivers of performance and competitive advantage; acquiring knowledge continuously; structuring learning so it can be shared company-wide. Strategic capability involves: targeting knowledge for optimum application and reflecting on the big picture the new knowledge presents, consolidating it, and identifying new areas of focus. Numerous key principles are presented, for example: make those responsible for performance responsible for learning as well. Recommended. 146 pp. 2001.
Knowledge Management:Classic and Contemporary Works, by Daryl Morey, Mark Maybury, and Bhavani Thuraisingham, Editors. MIT Press.
This is an outstanding collection of writings and serves as an in-depth introduction to the subject of knowledge management (KM). The editors have a learning-centric rather than information-centric view emphasizing that knowledge is the capacity to act effectively, derived from learning; KM is a management function that accelerates learning. The first two sections concern: strategy and how to structure a KM program; use of KM to make existing practices more effective; accelerating organizational learning; and implementing KM. The third section addresses measuring the impact of KM on organization. The range of subjects covered (learning organization, intellectual capital, balanced scorecard, metrics) and insights presented are very impressive. Highly recommended. 435 pp. 2001.
Leadership & Golf: Swing to Balance, by Thomas K. Wentz and William S. Wentz. Corporate Performance Systems, Inc.
From the game of golf, 16 managers learn 21 lessons about leadership and organization. The authors draw upon the experiences of people who have gone through their Business Simulation entitled Swing to Balance: Creating Organizational Alignment. These people learn they are not succeeding because they are trying to hit the ball rather than swing the club. The key is, swing the club properly (leading) and the club (the organization) will do what it is designed to do. The lessons on the golf course get translated into the business context. The simulation shows how a change in old ways of leading requires internalizing new ways. Get into this book and you'll understand its richness. The authors have done a great job of bridging the gap between experience and the written word. The book is an enriching experience. 177 pp. 2002.
Management Systems and OrganizationalPerformance: The Search for Excellence Beyond ISO 9000, by Martin F. Stankard. Quorum Books.
The author uses the Baldrige management system relationship model as a basic framework, consisting of leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, information and analysis, human resource focus, and process management. The book's main purpose is to help the reader see organization as a system, introduce this view to others, and serve as a guide toward a better system, in contrast to the usual fragmentation into focusing on isolated methods and decisions. This system-oriented process consists of comparing your organization to a high performance model and then making improvements in an annual cycle of assessment and follow-up. The book shares lessons managers of Baldrige winners have learned. The book is rich in content, and imparts a multitude of insights and ideas. It is comprehensive, well written, and thoughtful. 341 pp. 2002.
Managing Change and Transition, by Harvard Business School Press.
This book covers thoroughly explores the subject of organizational change. Change topics include: types and approaches, preparation, motivation, plans, support, action, reaction, stress and anxiety reduction, and continuous incremental change. Includes suggested readings. The books draw on numerous books, articles and online productions of Harvard Business School Publishing. Presents a distillation of some of the best thinking on the subject of organizational change management. 155 pp. 2003.
Managing Conflict with Your Peers, by Talula Cartwright. Center for Creative Leadership.
Provides guidelines for a process of managing conflict and insights into emotional hot buttons, values, and power and politics. Includes suggested readings. 30 pp. 2003.
Managing Organizational Change, by Patrick E. Connor, Linda K. Lake and Richard W. Stackman Praeger Publishers.
The opening chapter presents a model of management change and presents a broad guide to the subject of managed change. Other key topics covered include: the overall idea of a diagnostic approach to change; destabilizing forces; orientation to change; the major objects of change (task behavior, organizational processes, strategy, and culture); methods for conducting change (technological, structural, managerial, and human); strategies for conducting a change program; criteria for selecting strategies; three major players in change (change managers, agents, recipients and allies); desirability of change versus stability; resources; and change management issues, including ethics. Also provides some extended examples. Does a terrific job of capturing the scope and depth of managed change. 264 pp. 2003.
Managing Teams for Dummies, by Marty Brounstein. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This tightly written, down-to-earth, highly organized book is a first-rate how-to manual for managers and employees showing how to form, lead and participate in teams. Key topics are: how to make teams effective; running an effective team meeting; skills for leading a team as a coach; developing a team culture; leading teams through change; goal-setting, planning and roles; achieving team work; tracking results and evaluating outcomes; communication; problem-solving and planning; conflict resolution; decision making; self-directed teams; project teams; rewards and motivation; and more. Very highly recommended. 332 pp. 2002.
Naming Elephants: How to Surface Undiscussables for Greater Organizational Success, by Sue Annis Hammond and Andrea B. Mayfield. Thin Book Publishing Co.
The authors examine the idea that major problems that aren't 'discussable' are either talked about in a destructive manner or remain implicit. Hammond and Mayfield suggest that consultants should surface such 'elephants' in a constructive dialogue, and push forward to making decisions, determining what are the next steps, and following through. This practical book provides guidelines to show how to achieve organizational change by learning to name the 'elephants' and take action. "High Reliability Organizations" that reward people for pointing out deviations from the expected are discussed, as is the style of leadership needed to achieve change by getting people to open up and constructively participate in problem solving. This thin book is both broad and deep, and proves highly informative and thought provoking. 110 pp. 2004.
Organizational Assessment: A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Consulting, by Harry Levinson. American Psychological Association.
As consultants in the field of organization, we have long valued this author's "Organizational Diagnosis," a classic work now out-of-print. The current volume brings this original volume back, updated and streamlined. The book takes a diagnostic approach influenced by a psychoanalytical background and psychosocial framework. It is a robust manual for assessing an organization in depth, and outlines a mode for gathering information. Rather than plunge into some recipe for organizational change, this book shows how to understand an organization from many perspectives. Based on this knowledge, a strategy for change can be developed. In addition to examples of proposals, letters to employees, interview questions, and feedback reports, the book presents an excellent assessment outline for use on-site. The work is built on extensive research and is ideal for consultant (external and internal). This book is a gemÑa one-of-kind work that is extraordinary in its comprehensiveness and depth. 317 pp. 2002.
Organization Development: A Data-Driven Approach to Organizational Change, by Janine Waclawski and Allan H. Church. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
This book of outstanding contributors focuses on the processes and interventions by which human data are used as an integral part of large-scale organizational change. Essays topics are: multisource feedback; personality assessment; interviews and focus groups; linking soft and hard measures; action learning; process consultation; group- and team-based interventions; appreciative inquiry; understanding and using large-scale interventions; OD and information technology; OD in an international context; evaluating the impact of interventions; ethics and OD values; and the future direction for OD. Filled with insights, ideas, models (many of them, discussed and illustrated), practical tips, case examples, and references. A treasure trove for OD practitioners. 352 pp. 2002.
Organization Development and Consulting: Perspectives and Foundations, by Fred Massarik and Marissa Pei-Carpenter. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
One of a series devoted to OD and change management, this book provides a thoughtful, highly informative exploration of the current condition and future prospects of the field of organization development. Emphasis is placed on self-knowledge for the practitioner and the relationship with the client. OD concepts are examined in light of the rapidly changing environment. Some key topics are: a framework for OD consultation; understanding the role of the self; working with the client; rethinking the issue of change; concepts and constraints in changing cultures; entry, contracting and engagement; organizational diagnosis; and interventions. One chapter examines twelve intervention case studies that illustrate phases in the process and one contributed case. Closing chapters reflect on history, ever-current issues, and a perspective on the future. An excellent work in its breadth and depth of insights. Highly recommended to OD practitioners. 247 pp. 2002.
Organizational Change in 100 Days: A Fast Forward Guide, by Elspeth J. Murray and Peter R. Richardson, Oxford University Press, Inc.
Drawing on their MBA executive teaching, research and consulting, the authors present a framework for rapid implementation of organizational change. They assert that the first 200 days of a major change initiative determines its outcome. Successful change calls for Winning Conditions: correct diagnosis of the change challenge; early development of shared understanding; enrichment of shared understanding; establishing a sense of urgency; creating a limited, focused, strategic agenda; rapid, strategic decision making and deployment; a human flywheel of commitment; identifying and managing sources of resistance; follow-through on changing organizational enablers; and demonstrated leadership commitment. Discussion and examples make this approach clear and applied. The book is very impressive in its scope and depth. It is meaty, absorbing and to-the-point. 268 pp. 2003.
Organizational Surveys: The Diagnosis and Betterment of Organizations Through Their Members, by Frank J. Smith. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
The book is based on the author's experience as Director of Sears' Employee Attitude Survey Department. Every chapter is extremely rich in observations, insights and cases. Some of the topics covered are: functions of organizational survey programs; stages of program development; survey tools; pitfalls; managerial questions and issues; employee and customer surveys; turnover and commitment; attendance; and unionization. The second part of the book is devoted to survey cases. Includes a good guide to nondirective interviewing. This is a highly valuable work, filled with solid, empiric-based content. 274 pp. 2003.
Organizing Change: An Inclusive, Systematic Approach to Maintain Productivity and Achieve Results, by William W. Lee and Karl J. Krayer, Pfeiffer (Wiley) .
The authors present a detailed model for change. It is inclusive in that it involves everyone. It follows a specific methodology of phases and clearly defined roles of those directly involved. It involves all parts of an organization that will be impacted. The model's key dimensions are communication (gathering and disseminating information); process (planning, assessment, analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation; and stakeholders (upper management, supervisors, change manager, training / performance analysts, HR, staff, and MIS). Includes case studies, example forms, and other tools. Includes CD-ROM. An excellent resource clearly presented in considerable detail. Highly recommended. 271 pp. 2003.
Organizing for High Performance: Employee Involvement, TQM, Reengineering, and Knowledge Management in Fortune 1000, by Edward E. Lawler, III, Susan Albers Mohrman, and George Benson. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
The fifth phase of a longitudinal study based on a research started in 1987. Reports on how organizations are changing the way they organize and manage employees. This report looks at the adoption and effectiveness rate of employee involvement, TQM, reengineering, and knowledge management. This is a highly readable, insightful, and fact-filled book. It reveals trends between 1987 to 1999. Conclusions are presented based on findings. Numerous tables provide an abundance of quantitative data. Presents questionnaire, glossary, and methodology. References. Recommended. 247 pp. 2001.
The Performance Culture: Maximizing the Value of Teams, by Darrel W. Ray. IPC Press.
Shows how to integrate the official and the informal cultures of an organization. The author presents a system that supports teamwork at every level, referred to as the Performance Culture. High-performing organizations reduce or eliminate culture conflict by means of several organizational disciplines examined in the book. The book shows how to create a culture that values performance and achievement, avoids injuring motivation, enhances teamwork, and avoids common team leadership errors. It offers techniques and methods to foster teamwork. Key learning points are highlighted. Chapters end with a few questions to help assess your organization. Stories from the author's experiences add value to the discussion. Recommended. 300 pp. 2001.
The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Powerful Change, by Diana Whitney and Amanda Trosten-Bloom. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a change strategy that encourages people to discover and build upon what works well. This book is a guide for experienced practitioners and those new to the approach, offering AI methods, and illustrated by stories from a wide variety of organization. The book shows how the 4-D Cycle of discovery, destiny, dream, and design functions. This book is an in-depth treatment of using the AI approach, and gives many specifics that are bound to prove helpful. Highly recommended. 264 pp. 2003.
Power of Performance Management: How Leading Companies Create Sustained Value, by Andre A. de Waal. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The author defines performance management (PM) as the process that enables an organization to deliver a predictable contribution to sustain value creation. A world-class PM process consists of excellent strategic development, budgeting/target setting, performance measurement, performance review, and incentive compensation. There are seven major challenges to the PM process which form key themes of the book; these are: establish a consistent responsibility structure; balance long- and short-term focus; make value-based strategies operational; embrace information transparency; focus on what is truly important; and enforce performance-driven behavior. This book examines these challenges and explores best practices; the book is not about performance appraisal. Chapters conclude with case studies that exemplify best-practice ideas. Numerous diagrams and tables enhance this work. Highly recommended. 335 pp. 2001.
Principles of Human Resource Development, by Jerry W. Gilley, Steven A. Eggland and Ann Maycunich Gilley Perseus Books.
Presents a comprehensive overview of the theory and practice of HRD. Provides the building blocks of HRD and illustrates the relationship between all the components. Covers such topics as: essential terms defined; roles of HRD; strategy for designing the HRD function; individual development; career development; performance management; organizational development; learning agents, instructional designers, and performance engineers; HRD consultants; HRD leaders; performing analysis of various types; instructional design; learning acquisition; learning transfer; evaluation; and building strategic business partnerships. The authors show how to apply techniques, enhance HRD's visibility and credibility; and align individual and organizational development. This is an extremely thorough and in-depth introduction to HRD. 495 pp. 2002.
Quantum Organizations: A New Paradigm for Achieving Organizational Success and Personal Meaning, by Ralph H. Kilmann. Davies-Black Publishing.
The author puts organizational transformation into the context of a shift from the Cartesian-Newtonian to a quantum-relativistic paradigm. He places the study of organization and its change into the context of cutting-edge transformations in physics, evolutionary biology, and the study of the brain/mind.
The quantum organization is profiled by seven attributes, including: inclusion of consciousness in self-designing systems; cross-boundary processes; and, internal commitment of active participants. Kilmann presents a five-stage process for closing the gap between the old and the new (i.e., quantum) organization.
The author delves into the primary change initiatives for achieving self-transformation consisting of quantum infrastructures, formal systems, and process management. Eight tracks used to address these components are: culture, skills, teams, strategy-structure, reward system, learning process, continuous improvement on a unit level, and cross-boundary redesign on the macro level. Self-awareness and growth are critical factors. Emphasis on the individual makes this a highly unique work. It is fascinating, eclectic, and innovative in its approach to deep organizational change. The liberal use of full-color diagrams greatly helps convey the meaning of key concepts. Very highly recommended. 344 pp. 2001.
Revival of the Fittest: Why Good Companies Go Bad and How Great Managers Remake Them, by Donald N. Sull. Harvard Business School Press.
The author found that companies become stuck in their founders' commitments, and that organizational character is defined in companies' formative years. The book is written for leaders facing major environmental change. Sull presents an approach to organizational transformation that is between the extremes of evolution and revolution. He explores the life cycle of commitments and shows how companies can avoid becoming trapped in their past success formula using a 2-stage approach: 1) select and secure an anchor (over-arching objective guiding all actions), and 2) align the organization with that anchor. The book examines this approach in detail and delves into many nuances of transformation. Highly recommended. 203 pp. 2003.
Strategic Innovation: Embedding Innovation as a Core Competency in Your Organization, by Nancy Tennant Snyder and Deborah L. Duarte. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
The book takes a detailed and insightful look at how Whirlpool embedded innovation as a core competency, thereby transforming itself from a commodity-based company to a global leader. The study spans 1999 to 2003, and explores: the origins of the strategy; steps taken; successes and failures; redirection; and what was learned. Topics include: vision and goals; leadership; culture and values; knowledge management and learning systems; strategic communications; rewards and recognition; measurement and reporting systems and systems alignment; and the change path curve (a model). Includes 12 worksheets and many exhibits. An excellent case study of deep organizational change. 216 pp. 2003.
Strategic Organizational Change: A Practitioner's Guide for Managers and Consultants, by Michael A. Beitler, Practitioner Press International.
The purpose of this book is to provide consultants, managers, and students with a strategy-driven approach to the real-life practice of organizational change (OC). Beitler covers a very broad range of topics including the foundations of OC practice, process consulting, data gathering, feedback, diagnosis, and action planning. Six chapters are devoted to interventions of all types. There is no subject index. The book does not break new ground, but it is a highly accessible tour de force of organizational change. Recommended. 234 pp. 2003.
Survival is Not Enough: Zooming, Evolution, and the Future of Your Company , by Seth Godin. The Free Press.
Godin views ideas (memes) as seeds for change, suggesting that new ideas are positive mutations, and that, by incorporating them into a company's makeup, competitors can be defeated. Godin posits that change (evolution) is the key to success, and its basic building block is people. He goes on to say fear of changing a winning strategy, and reliance on command and control tactics, must be overcome because it leads to defeat. Godin suggests that companies overcome their fear of change by training their employees to zoom (make small, effortless changes all the time). Zooming builds companies that zoom, and attracts other zoomers. Godin also states that embracing change is the way to beat competitors and dominate markets. This evolutionary approach is explored and specific ideas are put forth for creating a company that zooms. The book is original, thoughtful, and written in a lively style. 265 pp. 2003.
Value Leadership: The 7 Principles That Drive Corporate Value in Any Economy, by Peter S. Cohan. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
The premise of this book is that superior profits flow to companies that outperform competitors by creating value for employees, customers and communities. The seven principles that constitute Value Leadership correlate with such success criteria as market share. These principles are: 1) Value human relationships; 2) Foster teamwork; 3) Experiment frugally; 4) Fulfill your commitments; 5) Fight complacency; 6) Win through multiple means (use strategy to sustain market leadership); and 7) Give to your community. Chapters include worksheets (an assessment questionnaire or Value Quotient [VQ] Tool) for measuring how well an organization adheres to Value Leadership principles. Guidelines are provided for implementing change. Includes a VQ selection interview guide and some examples from successful companies. Excellent ideas, very well presented. 312 pp. 2003.
Understanding Emotion at Work, by Stephan Fineman. Sage Publications, Inc.
Fineman's aim is to offer an engaging and critical introduction to emotions in work life. The book distills the work of a wide range of thinkers and scientists on the topic, from psychologists, sociologists and management theorists to neuroscientists, biologists, philosophers, anthropologists and historians. This in-depth examination of workplace emotion includes implications, or questions, for organizational design and decision-making processes. Through the lens of emotion, the book delves into such areas as recruiting, leadership, decision-making processes, organizational innovation and change, virtual organizations, emotional intelligence, stress, violence, sexual harassment, and downsizing. Outstanding. 203 pp. 2003.
What's the Big Idea? Creating and Capitalizing on the Best Management Thinking, by Thomas H. Davenport and Laurence Prusak, Harvard Business School Press.
The author's view the wealth of management ideas as all potentially of value; the issue is how well they are selected and applied. The central theme of the book is to show how to select ideas that are worth using and introduce an idea into an organization. The book examines the role of idea practitioners, people who find and turn ideas into action. The authors examine how ideas get developed and valued, the role of idea gurus, and two case studies of how ideas work in organizations. The authors conclude with a discussion of the role of leaders in idea-based change and an interview with an idea practitioner. Informative and absorbing. 250 pp. 2003.
When Teams Work Best : 6,000 Team Members and Leaders Tell What It Takes to Succeed, by Frank LaFasto and Carl Larson. Sage Publications, Inc.
The authors asked over 6,000 team members to assess their teams, team leadership, and each other. The information gathered offed five conditions that correspond to this book's five chapters. These are: what makes a good team member; how to build and sustain effective team relationships; how group processes can or cannot make good decisions; what leadership practices are most helpful; and lastly, the nature of an organizational environment that fosters strong teams. The book is a highly useful, informative guide to creating a high-performance collaborative team. It has specifics like a list of the 40 behaviors for achieving focus on the team goal (p. 108) and a Collaborative Team Member rating sheet (p. 29). Very highly recommended for team leaders and builders. 220 pp. 2001.
Who Really Matters: The Core Group Theory of Power, Privilege, and Success , by Art Kleiner. A Currency Book, Doubleday, Division of Random House.
For anyone who wants to understand organizational behavior, this book is essential reading. Kleiner claims that organizations seek to fulfill the aims of their Core Group (the people who really matter; the heart of the organization) and that all else is secondary to satisfying the Core Group (CG). According to Kleiner, every organization has a CG and, to understand the organization's actions, one must understand its CG.. The book delves into the nature of the CG, how the CG drives decisions and actions, and the dos and don'ts of achieving organizational change in light of the CG. Closing chapters cover noble purpose, what makes a great CG great, and the governance structure of democracies at all levels. A powerful, insightful work. Must reading! 277 pp. 2003.
Whole-Scale Change: Unleashing the Magic in Organizations, by Dannemiller Tyson Associates Davies-Black Publishing.
Explains an approach to organizational change that involves a large portion or all of an organization through use of representative groups that mirror the whole system. These use of microcosms (subsets of the larger group that represent all the 'voices' of the organization) allow participants to see and think in whole-system terms. The approach uses systems thinking (and theory) and a star model that encompasses: strategic direction, processes and systems, information sharing, all resources and organizational form. The book lays out a conceptual framework and process that can serve as a template for addressing the challenge of organizational change. Highly recommended. 300 pp. 2000.
Why the Bottom Line Isn't! How to Build Value Through People and Organization, by Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Capabilities are the skills, abilities, and expertise of the organization; how the people think and are able to do. Capabilities are the intangibles that are the foundation of strategic maps; they can become tangibles. The book shows how to build an organization's intangibles, offering a model (an Architecture for Intangibles) as a guide for change. The book offers assessments, and tools (there is linkage to a website to complete these). Chapters are devoted to discussing the four levels of the model. The remaining chapters discuss all the intangibles: culture; speed; learning; accountability; collaboration; and leadership. The conclusion offers a prescription for building intangibles for leaders at all levels, and HR professionals. The breadth and depth of the thinking in this book is impressive. An good source for diagnostic questions to assess an organization. 290 pp. 2003.
Zero Space: Moving Beyond Organizational Limits, by Frank Lekanne Deprez and Rene Tissen. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Rigid structures, geographical borders, physical assets and mind-limiting preconceptions impede organizations. This book shows how to overcome these barriers through "zero space," a concept involving zero matter, time, value gap, learning lag, management, resistance, exclusion, and technology. Zero space is created through processes of thinking and communicating that are key to weightless wealth. Part One deals with concepts of zero-space and zero-mindedness and the shift to intangible assets. Part Two explores 8 aspects of zero space. Zero space organizations are: network based; built on a fluid structure of partnerships; and a free flow of information through communities (real and virtual) weaved around knowledge. Excellent. 250 pp. 2002.